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Join date: May 24, 2019


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Paul Dugliss, M.D. has been a physician, author, counselor and coach and have been meditating for over 40 years. Meditation has been the foundational support to all of his life's endeavors and he have recommended it to many patients and clients as part of their treatment plan.

In 2007, he became increasingly aware of how much faster my meditating patients would heal, how much happier they felt and seemed to handle life's ups and downs with more ease.

He undertook to work with like-minded colleagues to develop a meditation technique that was easy, practical and accessible to all, without creating financial hardship, so more people could incorporate meditation into their lives. The result was Heart-based Meditation.

His dream now is to help as many people as possible transform their suffering, elevate their consciousness, and awaken the power of their hearts to find optimal health, happiness, love and joy.

Dr. Paul

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